• Women in leadership

Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

19th January, 2021

The Business Coalition for Women offers a Certificate IV Course in Leadership & Management (BSB 42015) to help your business develop its female leaders and reap the benefits of having a gender diverse leadership team. PNG businesses shaped the course curriculum through participatory workshops and continue to shape it through ongoing feedback.

Your business will benefit when it invests in training female leaders and managers:

  • Better decision making and problem solving – women and men leaders offer different perspectives
  • Improved financial performance – companies with the highest share of women in senior leadership have 35% higher return on equity
  • Greater capacity to adapt to shifts in consumer preferences – women better understand how female consumers think and act
  • Enhanced branding – businesses with gender diverse leadership teams are seen as modern, dynamic, and associated with equal opportunities
  • Employer of choice – women want to work for businesses that develop and promote them
  • Healthier team dynamics and organisational culture – gender diverse teams are more participatory and collaborative
  • Greater creativity and innovation enhance competitive advantage – gender diverse teams generate more and different ideas

“Digicel sees great value in the BCFW’s Leadership & Management course as a means of developing the many talented women we have working for us. It complements Digicel’s Women In Leadership League (WILL) program objectives to promote female leadership in our Pacific markets by addressing challenges women managers face with regard to their career progression specifically in PNG but also similarly throughout the region. It targets our staff at a very critical turning point in their careers and gives them that additional boost in confidence which supports them on their career progression journey. From a business perspective, the competency based nature of the course is particularly attractive, with staff being able to apply their learning at work giving Digicel an immediate return on our training investment. Not only do Digicel’s PNG staff undertake the Cert IV Leadership & Management but also staff from our operations in Samoa, Fiji and Tonga.”

  • Michael Murphy Chief Executive Officer, Digicel Pacific

Research shows that operating profits can be more than 50% HIGHER for companies with gender diverse leadership teams. How many women are on your leadership team? **Developing your female leaders and managers is SMART BUSINESS.