Gender smart safety program

Does your business need help to improve the safety of its female workforce? Traditionally workplaces have been designed by men, for men. As a result, many workplaces in PNG are safer for men than for women. Our innovative gender smart safety program takes into account the fact that women often have different safety concerns than their male colleagues. Tools are now available to help your business make its workplaces safer for women - let us show you how!

Gender smart safety audit and training

The Business Coalition for Women has Gender Smart Safety solutions available to help your business improve the safety of your female staff. Our training and consultancy services will equip your staff with the skills to perform Women’s Workplace Safety Audits across multiple worksites. Our Gender Smart Safety solutions are tailor made for PNG business.

Learn more

Gender smart safety web portal

Members who participate in the Gender smart safety audit and training will gain access to our web portal. The web portal provides online access to training resources, audit tools, videos and audit results for your organisation. You can visit the web portal by clicking on the link below.

Web Portal