Our coalition

The Business Coalition for Women is a member based organisation. Registered businesses of all sizes operating in PNG are invited to join the Coalition to benefit from our collective expertise. Our members know that overcoming the challenges faced by women in the PNG workforce goes beyond the actions of individual businesses. They are ready to be part of history in the making as part of a Coalition of businesses advocating for change.

Group of women
Caption here

Our Purpose

Led by the private sector, we work for gender equity, safety and empowerment of women
and girls in PNG.

Our Vision

Women have an equal place in decision making, leadership and nation building in PNG.

Become a member

We rely on member businesses to fund our work towards gender equality in Papua New Guinea. By becoming a member, your business will not only benefit from access to our expertise and advice through our business consultancy and training programs – it will also be making an important contribution towards our advocacy work on issues such as addressing violence against women, increasing opportunities for women in leadership through improved training and education, and expanding opportunities for women-owned businesses in supply chains.

Become a member

Our supporters

The Business Coalition for Women is supported by the Australian Government in partnership with the Government of Papua New Guinea as part of the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development program.

Make a donation to support our work!

There is still a long way to go before PNG achieves full gender equality in all aspects of business and society. Whether you are a private citizen, an organisation, or an existing member, one way to show your support for the BCFW’s advocacy work is by making a donation. As a registered not-for-profit organisation, we rely on memberships and donations to sustain our activities. Your donation will make an important contribution towards the sustainability of the BCFW and our advocacy work.

Show your support

Our strategic pillars

At BCFW we recognise that there are many different approaches to addressing issues of gender equality. As a social enterprise that works primarily with businesses, we have focused our expertise, resources, training, and services around four core areas that are particularly relevant to the business environment in Papua New Guinea. We have the expertise to help you identify opportunities for your business across each of these strategic pillars or to focus on specific areas of concern for your business.

Single pillar

Economic opportunities and participation of women

  • PNG Resource Hub
  • Gender equity, diversity and workplace inclusion programs
  • Men as allies programs
Two pillars

Women in leadership and descision making

  • Certified and practical courses in leadership and management,
  • Board Director training programs,
  • Mentoring support and networking for women leaders
Three pillars

Preventation of gender based violence and workplace safety

  • Family and Sexual Violence (FSV) and Anti-Sexual Harassment (ASH) policy guidance and education
  • Bel Isi PNG Partnership
  • Gender Smart Safety (GSS) education and community initiatives.
Four pillars

Knowledge creation and systems change

  • Research and development
  • Networking and collaboration for influence
  • Expert advice to government, donors and other decision makers
  • Community education and resources