- Gender smart safety
- Occupational health and safety
Gender smart safety audit and training
19th January, 2021
The Business Coalition for Women has Gender Smart Safety solutions available to help your business improve the safety of your female staff. Our training and consultancy services will equip your staff with the skills to replicate Women’s Workplace Safety Audits across multiple worksites.
Our Gender Smart Safety solutions are tailor made for PNG business. National and international experts, as well as more than 20 PNG businesses from diverse industries, helped develop these best practice resources.
The gender smart safety audit and training includes the following elements:
- Gender smart safety strategy model
- Risk assessment tools and guidelines for implementation
- Information sheets and model business case
- Toolbox talks
- Model gender smart safety workplace policy
- Minimum standards for gender smart safety
- Gender smart safety web portal
“How would you feel if I told you that some of your employees are not as safe as others? Disturbingly, PNG workplaces are often more unsafe for female employees than for male employees. As a business leader, ‘safety equity’ for my staff is critical, irrespective of whether they are located in Port Moresby or the most remote operation. I also know that safe workplaces are critical to attracting and retaining the very best staff, many of who are women.”
- Lesieli Taviri, CEO, Origin Energy PNG & Chair, BCFW