Apply for membership

To apply for standard business membership, you must be a registered business entity established and operating according to the laws of PNG or a registered body corporate representing the interests of the private sector. Everyone else should choose the Associate membership category. For an explanation of the difference between different membership types please refer to the membership page. To apply for membership, simply complete the form below. If you would like to ask us any questions before you apply, feel free to contact us during normal business hours. We promise not to share any identifiable data contained in your application/renewal with anyone outside our team without your consent.

Section 1: Membership and Fees

Please enter a 9 digit number with no spaces, commas or other symbols. Enter "999999999" if unknown or not applicable.
Please specify "Other" if applicable.

We will send you an invoice for payment once we have received your application.

Section 2: Member Information

For registered businesses and organisations, this section should be completed by an authorised officer. Please complete all relevant fields each time you renew your membership to ensure our membership records are kept updated.

Please enter your full name here if applying for an associate membership as an individual.
Enter "0" if unknown or not applicable.
Enter "0" if unknown or not applicable.

Please enter the office contact details for your business / organisation / group.

Please leave empty if not applicable.
Please leave empty if not applicable.
Please leave empty if not applicable.
Please leave empty if not applicable.
Please leave empty if not applicable.
Please specify "Other" if applicable.

Section 3: Designated Company Representative Details

The primary company contact person is the person BCFW will liaise with regarding any BCFW services, newsletters, invitations, etc.

Please enter the contact details for the CEO or General Manager.

Please leave empty if not applicable.
Please leave empty if not applicable.

Please enter the contact details for the primary company contact person. Enter your personal contact details here if applying for an associate membership as an individual.

Please leave empty if not applicable.

Section 4: Women in Leadership

Please ensure to complete this section. This section will indicate the number of staff at different levels in the organisation and it is important for BCFW monitoring data.

Enter "0" if unknown or not applicable.
Enter "0" if unknown or not applicable.
Enter "0" if unknown or not applicable.
Enter "0" if unknown or not applicable.
Enter "0" if unknown or not applicable.
Enter "0" if unknown or not applicable.

Section 5: Quick Questionnaire

The purpose of this section is to know what policies and practices your company already has in place and how to better support you and is important for BCFW monitoring purposes.

Please specify "Other" policies or programs targeting or benefiting women employees if applicable.

Section 6: Certification

Please enter your full name here if applying for an associate membership as an individual.